Probably, you see it, and you think in German. This letter is used in German in words like "Fünft".
Although, this letter is completely different from the Spanish "ü". Would you trust in me if I told you that letter "ü" it's pronounce the same as "u"? Yes, I'm not joking!
Let's see, Remember letter G? Well, I taught you that when you pronounce "gue" or "gui", the letter "u" is not pronounced. But... If you need to say "gue" or "gui", pronouncing "u"? Well, there it takes part letter "ü". Then, we form "güe" and "güi", and it's different from "gue" and "gui", because you have to pronounce "g" like "go", "u", and "e" or "i".
Vergüenza (Shame), Pingüino (Penguin)
Of course, these are the only uses of "ü"
Well, I hope you understood it. If not, ask me, and i'll answer you as fast as possible
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