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Friday, 14 December 2012

Abecedario (Alphabet)

Hello people! In this lesson, I'll teach you the alfabet, in Spanish, "abecedario". In Spanish, there isn't any diference between the pronounciation in the alphabet, and the pronunciation in the sentences, at least, the vowels. Let's see it!

  As you can see, It's really easy. The only "strange" thing is the letter "Ñ". What's that?
Well, I haven't studied phonetics, but I can say it's like a "N", but pronuonced with the nose. It's quite similar to "GN" in Italian. If you can't pronounce it, doesn't matter. You can pronounce it like a common "N".

Let's see the pronounciation of the different letters:

A: like "a" in "apple". e.g: Ala (Wing)
B: like "b" in Boat. e.g: Banana (Banana)
C: It has two pronounciations. It's like a "K" in"kindergarten", when it's followed by "a", "o" or "u", and like an "S" in "silver", when it's followed by "e" or "i".
e.g: Cartero (Postman), Cielo (Sky)
D: like "d" in "duck". e.g: Dedo (Finger).
E: like "e" in elephant.. e.g: Estudiar (To Study)
F: like "f" in finger. e.g: Fuego (Fire)
G: It has two pronounciation. It's like a "h" in "hello", when it's followed by "e" or "i", and like a "g" in "go", when it's followed by "a", "o" or "u". e.g: Gato (Cat), Gengibre (Ginger)
H: It has no sound. e.g. Helado (Ice-Cream). It's pronounced "Elado".
I: It's pronounced like "i" in "India". e.g: Impuesto (Tax)
J: It's pronounced like "h" in "house". e.g: Juego (Game)
K: like in English. There aren't many words with "K", generally it's used in names. e.g: Kilogramo (Kilograme)
L: like "l" in "loser". e.g: Listo (Ready)
M: like "m" in "many". e.g: Muñeca (Doll)
N: like "n" in "nurse". e.g: Norte (North)
Ñ: No translation. e.g: España (Spain), Año (Year)
O: like "a" in "all". e.g: Ola (Wave)
P: like "p" in "Paul". e.g: Pez (Fish)
Q: it's only followed by "ue" or "ui" (Que, pronounced "ke", and qui, pronounced "ki"). e.g: Queso (Cheese)
R: No translation. Yo have to roll it, like in Swedish. e.g: Ropa (Clothes)
S: like "s" in "see". e.g: Sol (Sun)
T: like "t" in "tower". e.g: Taza (Cup)
U: like "oo" in "moon". e.g; Usar (To use)
V: like "v" in "vowel". It's the same as "b". e.g: Vela (Candle)
W: like in English. It's only used for names. e.g: Walter
X: "ks", like in English. e.g: Xilófono (Xylophone)
Y: like "y" in "yellow". e.g: Yema (Yolk)
Z: The same as "s". E.g: Azul (Blue)

 I know it's difficult, so if you don't understand something, ask me.


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